Monday, February 11, 2013

Fishbone Diagram

Fishbone Diagram

 Step 1:  Clue the Class In
·         Introduce the tool.
·         Let the kids know why you are doing this and explain the value of this process.
·         Write the purpose, desired outcomes, and process on the blackboard or on a
      prepared flip chart.
·         Post for the class to see.

Step 2:  Set-Up
·         Post large sheet of butcher paper or tape together pieces of flip chart paper. 
      Allow ample space.
·         Draw the fishbone chart.

Step 3: Identify Topic
·         Determine the topic, or the effect, that you are analyzing.  Write the effect in
      the “head” of the fish.

Step 4:  Determine Categories
·         Determine the major cause categories..
·         Write the names of the categories on the major bones of the fish.
      Hint: The general types of categories usually include such items as people,
     materials, methods, machinery and environment.

Step 5:  Identify Causes
·         Have the kids brainstorm the causes.
·         As a cause is identified, determine which category or “bone” it belongs on.
·         Record and appropriate bone.

Resource: Future Force;  A Teacher's Handbook For Using TQM in the Classroom
Elaine McClanahan & Carolyn Wicks


  1. I think I could use the version with Mark Twain in our author study of Avi.

  2. I love having these strategies so handy and to be paperless! This is a great resource when I'm looking for a new way to introduce or summarize content.

  3. Great idea Karie! Thanks for your input Linda!


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